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Why Did I Stop Crocheting?

Some of you might have noticed that I've stopped promoting my crochet business, stopped making new crochet pieces, and have taken my business website link out of my social media bios. There's a reason for that. I put a lot of thought into this and about two months ago, I decided to stop crocheting for profit. That means HÖOK'D is no more! You're probably asking me in your head: Why Zhané, your pieces were bomb and your really good at it? There's a few reasons why. The first reason is that crocheting is extremely time consuming. I'm working on several different projects at once and don't have the time to dedicate to just crocheting and even if I did, I wouldn't want to spend all of my time just crocheting. I love to crochet but I'm not THAT passionate to be ALL about crochet. Another reason is that because I'm always thinking out of the box, the design ideas I had for HÖOK'D weren't just bathing suits. I'm talking full crochet outfits and heavy winter looks. That takes even more time to execute. I also decided to put an end to HÖOK'D because it was stealing my love for crochet away from me. Again, I love to crochet but to do it and be pressed for time and have to rush and not do it for me, wasn't what I imagined HÖOK'D to be.

I started this business as daHOOOKup in 2016 and had so many ideas, dreams, and goals. So much that I changed the name for a more professional look and got serious about it. It wasn't until I after I put out my prelaunch collection that I realized that I was meant to run a business but not a crochet one. Don't think you won't see any crochet pieces from me ever again because you definitely will! Just not as a business. I'll definitely be making pieces for myself that you'll see on my social media and most likely some YouTube tutorials! I also want to think EVERYONE that supported HÖOK'D (and daHOOOKup)! From the friends that encouraged me, the strangers that reposted my crochet pieces, the blog I was written in, the models I recruited for the photoshoot that almost was, and to my family who gave me endless ideas and were my personal photogs! The support and love I got meant SO much to me no matter who it came from and in what form!

I also have another business (well two) being planned out as you're reading this! One will be released this winter and one will be released in spring of 2018! Can you guess what they are? Leave your guesses in the comments section below!

P.S. I won't be taking down my business Instagram or my website because I want to be able to go back and look at it. This was my first attempt at a success business. It was my baby. I was proud of it and still am. I want to go back to it and feel inspired and see where I started throughout my journey! If you want to look to the Instagram & Twitter pages are: @shophookd and the website is preHÖOK'D (click the word to be taken straight to the website). And enjoy the slideshow of some of the pieces I've made through this short journey.


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© 2017 by zhané aliya

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